Meet the Band

We cannot tell you much about the time traveling mission, as it would
cause an array of problems that could lead to unfathomable consequences.
However, we can tell you about the band stuff.

Tangerine Time Machine's music can be described as: rocking, groovy, bluesy, powerful, intimate, psychedelic, dynamic, and more... They are
a musical act that comes to you from the future and the past, sharing their experiences through their travels that transcends space and time.

Tangerine Time Machine is the musical embodiment of Jason Karman, Kenny Kochajda, and Eric Pedenelli. Both Jason and Kenny had a history of playing music together, upon uniting with Eric the band landed into 2022 to bring forth a wave of timeless rock'n'roll to the modern era. Together the band has played through the local scene, meeting new fans along the way. All the guys are big music lovers. Eric is a regular concert goer. Kenny has secret knowledge of all the upcoming and underground bands that everyone should know about. Jason became a collector of [now] vintage music and recording equipment from the eras.

Jason Karman

Lead Guitar / Vocals

Music Gear Enuthusiest

Tech Savy Intellect

Eric Pedenelli


Local Music Supporter

The Mission Administrator

Kenny Kochajda

Bass Guitar / Vocals

Music Festival Goer

Underground Artist Knowledge


This year (2024) the band is working very hard to bring many things to you:

  • This website — yes, it is a lot of work to go through the archive and link multiple eras of Tangerine Time Machine goodness to you. Expect each era of the web to have different things available. There were no streaming players in the 80s or 90s, but there were other things. We won't put those things on the modern website, and we won't put the modern things on those websites. It can be a little adventure. We are still working on that, and might even get a tech guy or gal to help us tie it all together, since we have other time traveling and music related stuff to do. This is a work in progress, stay tuned...

  • Music — A professional record. We have traveled through time walking along the boundry line, but never recorded more than demos. Our demos are good, but they are never planned. It's about time we do something about that.

  • The Vault — this one is a maybe, but an idea we have been tossing around for a while. Because we have lots of recordings, we could always open up a vault so you can listen to them. It would take a lot of work to sift through the recordings, encode them, upload them, make sure they aren't too loud and will blow up your speakers. We will see what we can do there.

  • Merch Access — we get asked often enough about our shirts (funny we have shirts but not a record) and it can be difficult to track us down or wait for a show, so we do plan on getting our store launched and possibly some other merch items. Think about what you want and we will make it happen.

  • and the other stuff — yes, video, photos, content content content. It's all very goood stuff we have intentions of adding, which is why we will definitely need some help to get everything situated, but while we are juggling all of our tasks, just be patient with us. If we could poof the content into existance with our thoughts, this site would be already very rad!